Fun for all at the Maine Rock Gym!
Thanks to all who attended Kismet’s first outreach event in Portland, Maine on November 12. Everyone present seemed to enjoy the evening of climbing, refreshments and entertainment.
Six Portland-area Kismet students and a few of their teachers were in attendance and said a few words about their summer experience before Kismet instructor Bayard Russell gave an exciting and diverse presentation about modern first ascents around New England, featuring areas like the Adirondacks, Cathedral Ledge, Shell Pond, the Laughing Lion and much more, with routes climbed by Eric McCallister, Jim Ewing, Erik Eisele, Matt McCormick, Josh Hurst, Doug Madara, Freddie Wilkinson, Kevin Mahoney and many others. Thanks Bayard for your efforts in putting together such a special show.
Bayard Russell begins his slideshow at the Maine Rock Gym. Erik Eisele photo
Thanks also to the many donors and volunteers who made the event possible, especially the following:
Cathedral Mountain Guides/Bayard Russell
Joe Madore
Kismet ED Janet Bergman introduces Bayard Russell during his recent slideshow at the Maine Rock Gym. Erik Eisele photo
Paul Clifford
Read an interview with Bayard about teaching for Kismet here.